Our employer brand explained

This is your employer brand – make the most of it

This section is for everyone at HSBC but will be used most of all by those of you in human resources, recruitment, internal communications, and learning and development. It will help you to understand our employed brand and the people narrative that sits at the heart of it, enabling you to play your part in making it real.

When will you need to use the employer brand?

People-focused communications

When you’re creating any external people-focused communications, however big or small, aimed at potential employees outside HSBC.

Communicating with existing HSBC employees.

This encompasses everything, including all information, activities, initiatives and campaigns.

People-focused initiatives and programmes

To inform your thinking when designing and refining new and existing people-focused initiatives and programmes.

Briefing relevant third-parties

When you’re briefing relevant third parties such as headhunters and recruitment agencies, or third party suppliers to create communications on your behalf

When will you need to use the employer brand?

Even if you’re not a member of one of the functions mentioned above this matters to you. If you answer yes to any of the questions below, our employer brand should guide what you do and how you do it on a daily basis: